New general election debates in Cambridge for June 2024

Keep an eye on Phil Rodgers’ list here for more updates

The two that have been added are:

The Cambridge Foodbank Hustings – organised by Cambridge Foodbank with It Takes a City, Jimmy’s Cambridge, and the YMCA Cambridge.

The future of Cambridge – with the Friends of the Cam, and the Federation of Cambridge Residents’ Associations (FeCRA)

  • When: Wed 19 June, 6:30pm to 8.30pm (doors open from 6pm)
  • Where: Friends Meeting House, 12 Jesus Lane, Cambridge, CB5 8BA
  • Details: I’ve created an FB event here
And if you cannot make any of the hustings or the debates…

Find out who your candidates are with your postcode via

You may want to put specific questions to each candidates on the basis of their manifestos or individual political records. Alternatively you may want to ask the same question/s of all of them and compare responses.

Not got time to come up with complicated questions? Too busy to assess the responses? Don’t do politics?

Why not ask the children and young people in your families/lives to come up with the questions and assess the answers?

When you contact the candidates, tell them it was people too young to vote who came up with the questions, and that how you vote will be heavily influenced by their recommendations!

In other election news…

Rishi got photobombed by the LibDems who moved *very quicky* when they found out he was in the neighbourhood. (See the video here)

Above: “Hai Rishi!!!!” – Lib Dem Deputy Leader and MP-candidate for St Alban’s Daisy Cooper on the LibDems fun boat – a still from BBC News, 03 June 2024

Nigel’s back playing the BBC Politics team like a board game

In my opinion, the BBC’s Political Editor Chris Mason is having a shocking general election campaign – not least because he’s taking as given everything that Nigel is telling him. And getting done over as a result.

Above – if you are a journalist and a politician tells you something, your job involves verifying and corroborating that statement. Not simply reporting it as “Breaking news – politician says something! Hold ye front page!”

Here’s what Mr Mason could have done:

Above – Krishnan Guru-Murthy pinning down the returning leader of UKIP/BXP/RFM about the opaque organisational structures that appear to be democratically-challenged as far as membership accountability is concerned.

Anyway, he gets to play his ‘man of the people’ character as lampooned by Newzoids nearly a decade ago.

Above – sing along!

(They also did an excruciating general election song for the 2015 contest)

After the past week of catastrophe’s for the Prime Minister, I wouldn’t be surprised if he dashed off stateside – as lampooned by the Marsh Family here.

If you are interested in the longer term future of Cambridge, and on what happens at the local democracy meetings where decisions are made, feel free to:

Below – a reminder that democracy wasn’t something that was given to us. People had to fight for it